About the Willamette Grange
What is a Grange?
A Grange is a community organization that responds to local needs. We have a 150-year tradition of promoting local food and nonpartisan, nonsectarian face to face connections. Grange is a fraternal service organization and is a nonprofit 501(c)(8).
What does it do?
All Granges are different and serve their unique communities.
Willamette Grange has community events that are free and offer family friendly activities, educational opportunities, music and fun. They focus on family activities, education, and healthy community resources. Some of these events are also fundraisers which help with our upgrades and restoration of the building.
Who does the Grange help?
Restoring and making upgrades to our historic Hall to preserve its historic significance and making it more functional and safe by today’s standards will allow us to make it more available to local nonprofits needing a place to hold meetings or events. As restoration work progress continues, we will make the Hall even more available to community members for weddings, birthday celebrations, memorials, and more.
Who can join?
Anyone can join.
You can find a Grange near you by going to the Oregon State Grange website.
How does the Grange relate to the current Grange Hall?
The Hall known as the Willamette Community and Grange Hall is Willamette Grange’s third Hall. Our first two Grange Halls were destroyed by fire. They were located close to Muddy Creek. The land where the Hall stands today was donated and the Hall was built in 1923.
Because of significant design flaws, the Hall needed significant restoration efforts. The nonprofit Willamette Community and Grange Hall Historic Building Foundation (WCGHHBF) was formed in 2020 and is a 501(c)(3). The Foundation works with Willamette Grange, who owns the Hall, and is solely focused on restoring and preserving this Benton County historic resource.
Board Members
Willamette Grange #52
President: Jay Sexton
Vice President: Jan Medlock
Membership: Toni Hoyman
WCGHH Building Foundation
President: Toni Hoyman (2024)
Secretary: Jay Sexton Secretary (2025)
Treasurer: Angelica Rehkugler (2025)
Board Member At-Large (2026): Kelly McElroy